Inauguration of Wisdom Prosperity Buddha


Centres d’organisation :

Lotus Buddhist Monastery
big Island, Hawaii


We are happy to announce that the inauguration of the Wisdom Prosperity Buddha will take place on May 15, 2024, which will coincide with Sok Ga Mo Ni Buddha’s Birthday. The inauguration and Birthday celebration will be held together in front of the Wisdom Prosperity Buddha. It is a truly historic moment for the entire world.

The Lotus Sutra Retreat will be from April 30 to May 7, and the Buddha Birthday Retreat will be from May 8 to May 15. 
Space will be limited, so we ask you to register as soon as possible!


The secretary monks of Dae Poep Sa Nim.


Retreat Registration

Lotus Buddhist Monastery,P.O.Box 787, Mountain View, Hawaii U.S.A.
Fax: 808 968-8454 Tel: 808 968-6126

Personal Infos

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My Monastery arrival will be
My Monastery departure will be
Emergency contact:

Address: P.O.Box 787, Mountain View, Hawaii U.S.A.
Fax: 808 968-8454 Tel: 808 968-6126