15.07.2024 - 15.08.2024

Organizing centers:

Lotus Buddhist Monastery
Mountain View, Hawaii U.S.A


Our Supreme Matriarch Ji Kwang Dae Poep Sa Nim once more offers us the great opportunity to participate in this year’s summer retreat at the Lotus Buddhist Monastery on the Big Island. During the retreat, we will have the great blessing of being with Dae Poep Sa Nim daily in the monastery, practicing under Dae Poep Sa Nim’s guidance, and receiving all the wonderful energy and inspiration that Dae Poep Sa Nim gives us for our everyday lives. We will enjoy a happy family gathering with our Sangha members. All of this takes place in our most beautiful paradise, the Lotus Buddhist Monastery, which Dae Poep Sa Nim created for us all.




Retreat Registration

Lotus Buddhist Monastery,P.O.Box 787, Mountain View, Hawaii U.S.A.
Fax: 808 968-8454 Tel: 808 968-6126

Personal Infos

Please check below:

My Monastery arrival will be
My Monastery departure will be
Emergency contact:

Kindly submit this registration before July 1st. Thank you!

Address: P.O.Box 787, Mountain View, Hawaii U.S.A.
Fax: 808 968-8454 Tel: 808 968-6126