Retreat Program
A typical schedule for a 3 day retreat (may vary)On Friday, the retreat day will end at 10:00pm, after the Samadhi-Meditation. Saturday and Sunday, the retreat will start at 6:00am with morning practice, evening practice will be at 6:00pm respectively. During the retreat days we will together listen to Dharma speeches of Dae Poep Sa Nim, read and discuss Dae Poep Sa Nim’s Daily Sutras, and practice together.
The practice includes meditation, chanting, the mantra, prostrations, Ki-Song exercises and Samadhi-meditation. Between the meditations and practice-times there will also be breaks, to enjoy the beautiful nature around the retreat facility, ask individual questions about the practice to the disciples and monks, and to exchange personal experiences about the practice with other students. Friday and Saturday there will be several introductions especially for new students. During the course of the retreat, there will be many opportunities for old and new students to ask questions about the practice to monks and the disciples of Dae Poep Sa Nim.
During the retreat, we will listen to recordings of original Dharma speeches from Dae Poep Sa Nim, which Dae Poep Sa Nim will select and appoint especially for the participants. Therefore, it is necessary for all participants to send their birthdates and a recent photograph of themselves to the retreat organization together with their registration. Dae Poep Sa Nim will not be present personally during the retreat, but it will be possible to ask personal questions to Dae Poep Sa Nim through the monks and disciples.
Films from the Lotus Buddhist Monastery will be presented during the retreat.
There will be a detailed explanation of the Ki-Song exercises both for new and old students during the retreat.
The meals during the retreat will be prepared as much as possible according to the specifications of the Lotus Buddhist Monastery in Hawai’i.

What to bring?
During the retreat, there will be both sitting meditations as well as moving meditations, so please bring comfortable clothes, which are not too tight (for example jogging pants), and slippers for indoors. Please also bring a gymnastics mat or a blanket, so you can sit comfortably on the floor and make your prostrations without hurting your knees.
It is also advised to bring your own sitting cushion for the meditations and practice times. New students will have the opportunity borrow a cushion and mat for the course of the retreat from the retreat organization. For the morning practice, please also bring a small mirror and for writing practice please bring some paper and a pen.