When I was a child, the world seemed an uncertain place. I often wondered how most other people around me managed to block out the omnipresent presence of impermanence. Certainly, this is also related to a particular extent to my personal losses, with which I have...
The Yun Hwa Sangha Blog
Buddhist work-life balance
Hello, everyone out there! I have been doing Buddhist practice for quite a long time. That means I meditate, do Buddhist physical exercises and read Buddhist teachings. Our practice, if you can do it fully, is quite extensive. In the morning we do 108 bows, then...
Respect for Buddha means respect for yourself
"You do 108 prostrations every day?" My friend looked at me utterly aghast. "You know I have been interested in Social Buddhism and its practice for quite some time. I know your Mantra, we sometimes meditate together, and you have also shown me a few Ki Song...
Don’t worry be happy!
How Buddhist practice enriched my life "Hey, are you truly happy?" You've probably been asked this question before. The answer is not so easy because often we make our "happiness" dependent on many different factors that all have to be fulfilled, so that we can answer...
Meditation is mind vacation
What meditation has in common with vacation; and why it is true relaxation of the mind; vacation means free-time and relaxation; meditation can have the same effects for the mind: it means to let go of one’s thinking and problems and to make one’s mind calm. Last...