
Yun Hwa Dharma Sah
The Yun Hwa Dharma Sah Michigan Center is the first one on the US Mainland. There are multiple Centers thru Europe and the rest of the world with the Headquarters, the Lotus Buddhist Monastery, on the Island of Hawaii that was establishing in 1993
Prior to that time, Ji Kwang Dae Proep Sa Nim travelled thru Europe holding many retreats thru out the 1980’s and 1990’s.
I was first introduced to Ji Kwan Dae Poep Sa Nim in 1988, at the age of 22, when Ji Kwang Dae Poep Sa Nim was known as the ‘Master of Energy Transformation” , and her teachings have guided me and my family thru (modern) life with all its ups and downs.

Our small Yun Hwa Dharma Sah Center is located in our house on the Lake – an area known as the Tri-Lakes (Blue Lake in particular) in Mecosta, Michigan. The Center is approximately 3 hrs north west from Detroit Airport or 1 hr north of Grand Rapids Airport.
We are located in rural Michigan with the next smaller City of Big Rapids, 20 miles away and the next larger City of Grand Rapids 65 miles away.
There are many lakes and Golf Courses in our area – Tullymore being the most prominent.

We welcome you to come visit – we are able to accommodate up to 6 people (2 per room) with advanced notice, especially in the summer; there are some beautiful Airbnb’s in our area, as well as the near by ‘Canadian Lakes’ Retirement community, including the
ST IVES INN HOTEL in Stanwood.

In the near future we plan to offer get togethers 1-2x/mo (days/time TBD) to anyone interested to learn more about Social Buddhism and its application to modern life thru the practices of the Yun Hwa Meditation, Mantra Repetition, Singing/Chanting, physical/energy exercises (Prostrations and Ki Song) and discussion groups of the ‘daily teachings’ from Ji Kwang Day Poep Sa Nim that help guide the practitioner in the practices in order to eliminate fear, desire and suffering and finding ones true ‘I’.



Kristin Nabozny - Yun Mi
10575 Tara Shores Dr
Mecosta, Michigan 49332
Kristin: 231-250-8606; Bruce: 231-250-2760

PRACTICE DAY: Thursdays 5pm;
Please RSVP or contact me for special arrangements of time/ day

Lokale Events